Opinion - Part 7

Scripture Reading - 2 Samuel 16:20 Bible in Basic English (BBE)

Then Absalom said to Ahithophel, Give your opinion now, what are we to do?

In today’s lesson we will continue to speak on the topic of “speaking your mind which we are using the single word “opinion”. In a previous lesson on expressing your “opinion” we elaborated on three traits to have present before “speaking your thoughts”. The first was being content to be quiet because speaking too much causes problems and trying to fix those problems once spoken only brings more conversation which causes more problems, so on and so forth. The second was being mindful not to talk back or speak over those in authority and please give first place to elders when speaking around them. We know this is pleasing in God’s Eyes and it is polite and bright to treat people right. Amen! Thirdly, we spoke about bringing God on the scene by speaking the Mind of Christ which is basically the “opinion of God” concerning all things upon the earth, inside the earth and all things above the earth. We also taught a lesson on speaking your own “personal opinion” and not mingling God into it. Yes, we highlighted the fact that many Christians think their interpretation of God is God but God is described, explained and interrupted through God’s Holy Word alone, so never think that your own “personal opinion” is equivalent to the Holy Scriptures as God’s voice to all mankind. In another lesson we touched on weighing the “popular opinion of men” against God’s Word. We should never assume that what we are hearing from others is good simply because the “popular opinion” of men thinks it is good. We are not trained to follow the crowd but we are created to follow Jesus. Also, in a previous lesson we looked into reviewing your “own opinion” of yourself. That specific lesson taught on not thinking too highly or lowly of yourself but rather staying humble by adopting “God’s Opinion” of you as your very “own opinion” of yourself. We also spoke about the “opinions” of others because whether good or bad we at least need to listen to others to judge whether what they are saying has some merit to it. Yes, sometimes a word of correction is exactly what we need to grow in Christ. However, if certain people just want to be mean and critical without any rational examples we should disregard their comments. In another prior lesson we mentioned that “negative opinions” are evil and having a “negative opinion” about another will keep you from being able to effectively minister to that other person. Likewise, if someone has a “negative opinion” about you it will be very difficult for you to receive from that person. In today’s topic we will continue to better understand “opinions”. In this specific article we will highlight the wisdom in keeping your “opinion” to yourself (within your heart). This may sound funny but it is no joking matter because far too many people feel they should share their “opinion” openly whether someone is asking for it or not. Like we heard one person say, “I feel everyone has a right to my opinion!” This is so typical for the society we live in because many people watch programs every day that endorse speaking your thoughts about any topic that comes up for discussion including other people. Whether talk radio or talk TV (Cable) or talk internet it is still a lot of talking which is full of personal “opinions”. This type of idle chit-chat is sin because many people don’t realize when you discuss the faults (short comings) and failures of others (even a single individual) you are gossiping. The Word of God encourages us in James 5:16 KJV to pray one for another. Also, in that same mindset we are admonished in 1 John 4:7 KJV to adopt this Christian truth, “Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. These two truths are fundamental in the Body or Christ and dominate (prevail) in the whole Kingdom of God. Expressing our “opinion” about another could be very harmful if it makes the other person look bad because when we offer our “opinion” about another in a negative light we are for sure judging that person. Now we know people don’t like to hear that but it is true anyway. Yes, according to Matthew 7:1 we are taught by Jesus Christ Himself, “Judge not, that you be not judged.” Moreover, verse 2a goes on to say, “For with what judgment you judge, you shall be judged:” This means as you sow evil about others you reap a harvest of evil all dependent on how much judgment you sowed. Therefore it is in our best interest to speak well of others instead of evil. Did you know faith friend idle words are typically evil only because they are not advancing the Kingdom of God. Yes, we are either building (establishing) God Kingdom upon this earth or we are not and if we are not it is “God’s opinion” that we are not fulfilling His awesome will for our life. Keeping your “opinion” is critical to spiritual maturity because babies talk whenever something bothers them the language is known as crying or even worst whining. However, wise elders keep their words to a few because they don’t want to waste energy and they have learned that releasing the right word at the right time is more efficient and more effective when helping others. We (ihlcc) have found it very problematic when we have given our “opinion” about a certain situation that a friend, family member or acquaintance didn’t ask for because sometimes they will reject our counsel and us. Sometimes we can think because we are ministers of the gospel we should share the gospel by way of speaking God’s Word and yes, in some cases this is true. However, we have learned that there are just as many other cases where keeping silent is the best witness for Christ Jesus. Knowing when to and when not to is operating in wisdom. This is why, we highlighted today Holy Bible verse because please notice that Absalom asked Ahithophel for his “opinion” as a wise counselor. This means Ahithophel didn’t just start speaking his mind without anyone listening or looking for it. Please understand dear Saint of God there is a time to speak and a time to keep silent according to Ecclesiastes 3:7. We must purpose to keep silent and be ready to speak when we are called upon for service. The problem in the world today (and yes, the problem will be there tomorrow too) is that multitudes of people speak their negative “opinions” about another without any constraint or compassion. Once an “evil opinion” is given out it is impossible to pull it back to you without the filth of evil judgment coming upon you. Yes, when this has happen to us we do ask God for forgiveness but just as importantly we must look to repent because repentance (doing the exact opposite) will keep us from being repeat offenders. We have lost friends due to speaking our “opinion” about a circumstance that the other person looked at differently. This taught us to wait on releasing our “opinion” because if the other person (or party) already has their mind made up about it (their situation) why frustrate their peace. Now, we still can make a mistake but we are very cautious to keep our “opinion” to ourselves unless someone specifically ask for it. We have learned that “opinions” are precious, especially those that come from God so waiting to release your “opinion” until you know the other person is open to hear from you is both wise and prudent. So be a wise Child of God by concealing your personal “opinions” until asked for it or at least keep it to yourself knowing if the Lord truly puts it on your heart to share it is no longer just your own personal “opinion” but rather an authentic Word from God which must be ministered in peace and compassion. The true Word of God is always ministered in the Love of God because the two are One. So know that even though your “opinion” matters what matters most is doing things God’s Way so He (The Lord) can show us more of His Ways and receive the glory due His Name. Amen!